"V for Vendetta" is not a movie of ideas so much as it is an idea mall. By the time you've gotten through it, you feel spent, loaded down and more than a little disoriented. The movie's big concepts are pithy, brief and irrefutable enough to embroider on throw pillows. But its moral and philosophical stances amount to a free-for-all.

* * *

Then again, the idea that revolution can come from the ground up doesn't jibe with the great director theory of film history, either. One of the more interesting things about Mr. Moore's comic, along with V's contradictions and cartoon dialectics ("anarchy wears two faces," V intones), is how many different characters take possession of the story at different times. The screenplay, by contrast, essentially carves the plot into two parallel narrative strands ? V and Evey occupy one, the fascists and their henchmen the other ? that eventually twist together as predictably as in any blockbuster blowout.


The movie version of "V for Vendetta" both oversimplifies and overcomplicates Moore's and Lloyd's vision, but it never cuts to the bone. It's a movie drawn with big, bold strokes and very little feeling -- a tracing-paper exercise masquerading as a masterpiece.


V de Vingança estréia hoje nos EUA. A crítica mostra um arremedo de simpatia, mas usa palavras bem fortes pra detonar. É interessante que TODOS os artigos mencionam que Alan Moore pediu pra tirar seu nome do projeto. Não é coisa que deve ter entrado no press-release, mas sim a rede de adoradores de Moore mostrando força.

Enquanto isso, o barbudo continua reclamando:

As far I'm concerned, the two poles of politics were not Left Wing or Right Wing. In fact they're just two ways of ordering an industrial society and we're fast moving beyond the industrial societies of the 19th and 20th centuries. It seemed to me the two more absolute extremes were anarchy and fascism. This was one of the things I objected to in the recent film, where it seems to be, from the script that I read, sort of recasting it as current American neo-conservatism vs. current American liberalism. There wasn't a mention of anarchy as far as I could see. The fascism had been completely defanged. I mean, I think that any references to racial purity had been excised, whereas actually, fascists are quite big on racial purity.


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