[20 de abril de 2004]

Blogs e Mídia

- Matéria hilária da Wired comentando a intrusão dos media tradicionais na blogosfera, assunto de um último encontro para discutir blogs e jornalismo (BloggerCon), que aconteceu em Harvard, na semana passada. (Orkut também é cultura.)

The Times' Times on the Trail blog assiduously avoids the blog label (its editors call it "a continually updated report"). Yet the blog's contributors carefully inject homey notes into their copy, such as this one: "The buffet was brought to you (well, to the beleaguered traveling press corps) by a private company that frequently caters on campus."

The Times blog also includes words and phrases liked "nixed" and "bunk up" that would ordinarily make a copy editor apoplectic.
por raquel (08:32) [comentar este post]


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