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May 12, 2005

After the full page ad in NY Times, the Mozilla Foundation tries to spread its web browser Firefox through TV-like ads. That's seems to be the proposal of, where three of this video ads can bee seen.

I like "The Mobile" better and find "The Notebook" hideous. But all of them suffer from the same concept problem, they let the viewer wonder what the protagonists saw in first place. In "The Office" I thought he had seen Explorer crash and went mad because of this. I then expected that Firefox would appear to save his day but... the ad ended. After seeing all of them, specially The Mobile, the motto that came to my mind is "use firefox and get a little retarded". That can't be right.

But surely they are well produced and beautiful. Wouldn't consider changing to Firefox because of them (I use Opera), but someone else might.

ricardo at 11:55 PM :: ::
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