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May 4, 2005

Everybody knows the Image Search capability of Google. But how about the reverse? That's the proposal of Grant Robinson with his Guess-the-Google game.

The idea is straighforward: the system randomly selects a word, performs automatically a search in Google and retrieves the first 25 images, presenting them to the player. The player then have a few seconds to make guesses on what was the word used to generate those results.

Simple and addictive.

The game was made in Flash and is very well designed. A minor bug is that sometimes images get "cached" and, although the chosen word changes, the images do not. Also, the game has far too few words in its database and after some plays the game starts to repeat itself. But until it happens, its very fun.

Grant Robinson has some other very interesting projects in his website. It is well worth a look.

ricardo at 12:41 AM :: ::
« :: »

It is truly addictive the first time :*)

Posted by: Taly@ at May 17, 2005 1:21 AM

Yep :)

Posted by: Ricardo at May 18, 2005 9:18 AM