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Star Wars X-Wing

May 4, 2005

A nice product being sold at eBay: an X-Wing in full scale. It can be yours for about U$85.000,00. No bids were made until today, but I'm sure the price will skyrocket in a few days.

It seems that this one is "real", in the sense that it was built to be in the movies and not just a replication. Also, the site says it is one of two X-Wings that were released to the public, others are in museum or stored at the studio (probably waiting 20 years to be sold for even more absurd amounts).

I wouldn't buy this even as an investment. Somewhere in the future we would expect to find some real flying X-Wing-shaped cars, maybe a new design for this one, and a static one would just look silly. As for eBay, I'd rather buy a ghost, at least it wouldn't fill up my garage.

ricardo at 8:53 PM :: Comments (0) ::
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