Representantes da Organização Mundial do Comércio palestraram, no último sábado, numa conferência sobre a África na Wharton Business School da Filadélfia. Hanniford Schmidt, Conselheiros de Relações Externas da OMC, defendeu o retorno da escrav... da "administração privada total de trabalhadores" para solucionar os 500 anos de problemas econômicos do continente negro.

"Today, in African factories, the only concern a company has for the worker is for his or her productive hours, and within his or her productive years. As soon as AIDS or pregnancy hits?out the door. Get sick, get fired. If you extend the employer's obligation to a 24/7, lifelong concern, you have an entirely different situation: get sick, get care. With each life valuable from start to finish, the AIDS scourge will be quickly contained via accords with drug manufacturers as a profitable investment in human stewardees. And educating a child for later might make more sense than working it to the bone right now."


"So far there's a pattern: Good for business, bad for people. Good for business, bad for people. Good for business, bad for people. That's why we're so happy to announce this fourth phase for business between Africa and the West: good for business?GOOD for people."

(Os Yes Men atacam novamente!)


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